Latest Discovery Health plans for families
Whenever you look for Discovery Health plans for your family, you can’t just take the plan that was recommended to you by a good friend.
Even the most popular health plans can have some pitfalls. You want to avoid being hit with major unexpected medical costs because you didn’t do adequate research.
Discovery Health plans – more than 20 health plans to choose from Discovery Health Medical Scheme is the biggest open medical scheme in South Africa. You can be sure that the medical scheme has Discovery health plans ideally suited to your family. As a registered medical scheme, any member of the South African public can join.
It is mind-boggling to know that Discovery Health can offer you no less than 23 health plans. Depending on your finances and health, there will be one that meets your family’s health needs.
All of these plans cover approved medicine for the PMB or Prescribed Minimum Benefit Chronic Disease List conditions.
Where to find approved healthcare professionals
You can make use of Discovery’s MaPS Advisor tool to find these healthcare professionals. They have agreed to only charge you the Discovery Health Rate.
Discovery has entered into agreements with healthcare professionals so as to ensure higher levels of reimbursement for healthcare professionals who they pay in full. Their agreements cover 90% of GP and specialist visits.
Comprehensive healthcare cover or simpler hospital plans?
Discovery Health plans cater to your unique healthcare and financial needs. Understand their options for coverage. You can take your pick from the most comprehensive private healthcare cover or you can choose something simpler and more affordable.
- If you want to get the most extensive cover there is with Discovery Health, you’ll want to take a look at the Executive Plan where you get unlimited cover in any private hospital. You also get full cover for chronic medicine as well as cover for maternity. The Global Treatment Platform also gives you access to the most advanced medical care in the country and abroad. There is far more to this particular plan, and every family in South Africa wishes that they could afford such a plan.
- The Priority Series is far more affordable, and it also offers unlimited cover in any private hospital. Apart from many other benefits, it also has a savings account and ATB or Above Threshold Benefit for your day-to-day healthcare needs.
- The Smart Series offers you unlimited private hospital cover within the Smart Hospital Network, and you have full cover in hospital for specialists with whom Discovery has a payment arrangement.
- Other health plans include the likes of the Comprehensive Series, Saver Series, Core Series, and Keycare Series.
- Discovery has also included something quite unique with their Prepaid Health plan, a new and exciting concept where you buy vouchers, allowing you access to high-quality, private, primary healthcare. The vouchers can be redeemed at any GP within the Discovery Prepaid Health Network.
Discovery Health plans – protecting your health Discovery Medical Scheme and the health plans it offers aim to care for the health of their members. They offer innovative plans that provide access to affordable, quality healthcare.