Sizwe Medical Aid – High Tech Way to Find Medical Aid
What is the Sizwe medical scheme all about?
As one of the top ten medical schemes in South Africa, Sizwe Medical Aid has been providing health care solutions since 1978.
The scheme prides itself on its use of technology to provide its members with the best possible service.
The website, for example, is accessible by either computer or cellular phones.
Many consumers find it extraordinarily difficult to compare the myriad of plans offered by the many medical schemes in South Africa.
The websites of some schemes are so complicated and so difficult to understand that it is no wonder that many potential members simply cannot be bothered to do proper research before choosing a plan.
Sizwe has gone a long way in presenting members with clear, easy-to-understand information.
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In a further effort to simplify matters and to reduce red tape, the scheme has also reduced their main options to only three areas:
- Traditional programs, which includes the Affordable plan, the Primary plan, and the Full Budget plan. Internet users are able to access a simple, straightforward two-page document that clearly spells out the benefits and terms and conditions relevant to each of the plans.
Behind the scenes programs.
Value-added programs for the management of HIV/AIDS, the Europ Assist program, and the Wellness program.
What are the Behind the Scenes programs?
Sizwe confesses a genuine desire to see to it that their members receive only the very best care and service. This has prompted them to introduce four distinct Behind the Scenes programs. They are:
- The Dental Management Program aims to ensure that members can enjoy quality dental care. Some medical aids tend to “short change” the dental side of medical care, so this is a definite plus.
- The Hospital Management Program looks after the interests of members when they receive in-hospital treatment. With hospitals under a lot of cost and quality pressure these days, this kind of management is essential.
- The Member Profiling Program allows Sizwe to identify careless claims. Claims that are unwarranted or even illegal place extra strain on the system, so managing the quality of claims makes a lot of sense.
- The Provider Management Program makes sure that service providers remain honest and that they do not abuse the claims procedure. The other side of unnecessary claims is that health providers themselves might submit fraudulent or inaccurate claims. This program is meant to obviate this aspect of health care management.
The Value Added Programs
- Sizwe makes special provision for members that suffer from HIV/AIDS patients. It is important to note that very few schemes will provide cover for this category of member.
- The scheme has a special agreement with Europ Assist. In term of this agreement members of the Sizwe scheme are afforded emergency medical transport anywhere in the country, meaning automatic peace of mind if you travel on business or go on holiday.
In common with some other medical funds, Sizwe Medical Aid rewards healthy living and careful members through their Wellness Program.
© Medical Aid Plan
Your medical aid quote will include options to suit your pocket. Please ensure that the cover you select is exactly what you need and that you understand exactly what insurance you are buying. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the medical aid or hospital cover you choose.