The Cost of Medical Cover
All South Africans have access to the public health system but this system is under tremendous cost pressure and often finds it difficult or even impossible to provide the ideal care. Those that can afford the cost rather opt for private medical care.
Unfortunately private care is tremendously high in cost and we all know the cost of medical cover, so most people can only gain access by becoming members of one of the many medical aid schemes operating in South Africa. The cost of a medical aid plan should be one of the highest priorities on the budget of any family.
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South Africa boasts a large number of medical aid schemes and there are laws in place to make sure that the schemes are able to honour the promises they make to their members and that they have the financial wherewithal to pay claims. Each medical aid scheme offers a variety of plans at varying cost that offer different benefits and that are designed to suit the budget of just about every South African. Many people find it very difficult to decide on a plan that will provide the most benefits at the best price.
Hospital plan or comprehensive plan?
Experts agree that it is best to select the best and most comprehensive medical aid plan that can be afforded. Yet many people simply cannot afford comprehensive cover. In such cases it may be best to opt for a hospital plan. These plans provide cover only when members are hospitalized.
Some hospital plans also include basic day-to-day medical benefits but they are normally very limited. Hospital treatment can be extremely expensive and very few people can afford such treatment from their own pockets. That is why it is important to at least have a hospital plan.
Young people that are healthy and that have no adverse family histories of serious conditions often opt for hospital plans and upgrade at a later stage when their circumstances change, such as when they extend their families or when they grow older.
Finding the most affordable plan
It is difficult to compare different plans with each other fairly because the benefits offered by each plan differs, some plans have terms and conditions that do not form part of other plans and all the plans differ in price. There are some very good websites that will provide you with various quotes that are all based upon the same set of information. This may simply the process of comparison considerably. It may also be wise to rather approach an independent medical aid broker.
Examples of some of the plans offered by large medical schemes
- Discovery Health offers a very wide variety of plans. At the upper end of the range is the Executive Plan with monthly contributions of almost four thousand rand. At the other end of the scale is the highly affordable KeyCare Access plan at just four hundred and fifty rand per month.
- The KeyHealth Medical Aid Scheme offers five plans, with the Essence plan at the one end (just under a thousand rand a month) and the Premium Platinum plan at more than four thousand six hundred rand a month.
- The flagship plan in the Liberty Health stable is the Prestige Plan which will cost you just less than four thousand five hundred a month and at the entry level they have the Hospital Option which costs a little more than a thousand rand each month.
- The Blue Door Plan offered by Fedhealth is an affordable option at just over four hundred and fifty rand per month. Their Ultima Plan cost almost six thousand rand a month.
Excellent medical cover should be a high priority for all South Africans. Private medical care is extremely expensive and while the public health system is accessible by all it is struggling to cope with the tremendous demands for medical services. The cost of medical cover for private care is well worth it. © Medical Aid Plan
Your medical aid quote will include options to suit your pocket. Please ensure that the cover you select is exactly what you need and that you understand exactly what insurance you are buying. Do not hesitate to ask questions about the medical aid or hospital cover you choose.